by: Judy Blume
In Are you there God, it's me Margaret we get to know Margaret at the time in her life when she is moving from New York to New Jersey. This is also the same time she is ready to start the sixth grade. The story tells about Margaret’s move and adjustment to a new school, new home and meeting new friends. Along with adventures of becoming her own person, and fitting in with other girls in her school. She and her friends are experiencing puberty and they tell each other everything. She has a crush on an older boy, she doesn’t think anyone will understand or that her closest friend will approve of him.
Margaret’s grandparents play a role in how she decides her religion as well. They will not accept any other religion but their own, and Margaret doesn’t let those opinions affect her judgment. She always has a tendency to pray to God on her own where no one can hear her. Friends of hers go to church, but her parents and she never do. Her father was and his family are avidly Jewish, but her mother was and her family are Christian. Her journey into middle school would have been hard enough without having to go through a big life decision, granted she’ll probably change it when she gets older. She does a lot of thinking in the story and comes to the conclusion of her religion. She also takes her sixth grade year to explore her religion and what everything means to her.
Dana F.
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