Monday, November 7, 2016

 Jackie Robinson: A Life Remembered
by Maury Allen
921 Rob                                                                                          Genre:       Nonfiction
Jackie was the first black to play baseball, at this time it was a white sport. Could you have been him and put up with all the racism and hatred coming your way? The thing about Jackie he was one to never give up. He hated losing and he was dedicated to the game he really loved. With him loving baseball so much, he put his pride aside and put up with all the whites disliking him. Jackie Robinson is probably one of the most important black men until this day. If he did not do what he did would blacks be playing the sport of baseball today?
Rasheed H.

Joe Dimaggio: baseball for everyone

796.357 DIM Genre: non-fiction

Joe was one of the most hardworking men you will ever meet. He played every game like it was his last. He tried to be the best he could be. He wanted to be the best player in the world; one of his goals was perfection. He always knew someone was watching, that’s why he played so hard. The hardest time to work is when no one is watching but he believed someone was watching at all times.

Rasheed H.