by Stephenie Meyer
“They emerged one by one from the forest edge, ranging a dozen meters apart. The first male into the clearing fell back immediately, allowing the other male to take the front, orienting himself around the tall, dark-haired man in a manner that clearly displayed who led the pack. The third was a woman; from this distance, all I could see of her was that her hair was a startling shade of red.
They closed ranks before they continued cautiously toward Edward’s family, exhibiting the natural respect of a troop of predators as it encounters a larger, unfamiliar group of its own kind.” (Meyer 2005)
Bella is an 17 year old girl in high school who ends up falling for Edward. Edward is vampire who has been 17 years old since 1918 and who has an extreme attraction to Bella; he can read others minds Carlisle is “father” of all the Cullens, he is married to Esme; he has the power of compassion. Esme is the “mother” of all the Cullens, is married to Carlisle; she has the ability to love passionately.. Alice is very sweet, kind; a vampire and takes to Bella very well and is married to Jasper; she can also see the future. Jasper is the newest vampire that had been turned; he can manipulate people’s emotions. Rosalie looks like a model and doesn’t like Bella at all, she is married to Emmett; she has the ability to tenacity. Emmett is a muscular looking guy and is married to Rosalie; he has the ability to have great strength.
James is one of the human blood drinking vampires, he is very beast like and he is the leader of his coven, that conflicts with the Cullens; he has the ability to hunt and track anything. Victoria has red hair and is like the soul mate to James, she is also in James’s coven; She is very feline like and will do anything to help her soul mate. Laurent is the most beautiful one of James’s coven and speaks with a slight French accent.
What do the other vampires want with the Cullens? What is your favorite character? Who is your least favorite character?
Elisabeth G.